Major Tech Inventions Through History Pt.1

Major Tech Inventions Through History Pt.1

It’s hard to think of a world without technology. It has become such a large part of our lives that several of us are actually dependent on technology; some businesses can not even function without tech. We truly live in a technological wonderland. Smartphones, flat...
Rumor Roundup: iPhone 8

Rumor Roundup: iPhone 8

The Galaxy Note 8 has been officially unveiled and the world seems to agree that it is an amazing device. And now, the world waits with bated breath to see what the geniuses in Cupertino, California have cooked up this year. I’m, of course, talking about the iPhone 8....
New Year, New Technology

New Year, New Technology

Every year new technology seems to put the entire technology community in awe. With 2015 well underway, technology powerhouses are cranking out modern marvels which seemed impossible five to ten years ago. To start, the growing smart watch market is currently...